New program started February 2013.
The shelter for minor children is located in Ukraine. At this home children spend about three months (sometimes 6+) before the government places them in orphan homes, children’s homes, boarding schools and sometime children are retuned to a family member. This shelter is for 50 children aged from three to 18 years. Today (Febuary 2013) 30 children live in this home.
Just a little about children that are placed or seek refuge here. Girl 13 years old, her mother sold her to drinking buddies. A ten years old boy raped by stepfather with mothers knowledge. Childen escaping from sex trade industry. Slave children that escape from people that bought or kidnapped them….Some children just taking the wrong path in their life. I could share worse stories than these but I choose not too. Please think of giving a gift, these children are in custody of government so they will not recieve anything unless YOU help.