This program helps the 1.2 billion people that lack clean water

According to a report by the World Health Organization, 1.2 billion people lack clean water, with waterborne infections accounting for 80 percent of all infectious diseases. One example is water pollution resulting in increased breeding grounds for mosquitoes, which kill between 1.2 and 2.7 million people annually due to malaria. Unsanitary living conditions account for more than 5 million deaths each year, with over half of those being children.
.About 40 percent of human deaths worldwide are caused by water, air and soil pollution, according to David Pimentel, professor of ecology and agricultural sciences at Cornell University and a well-known researcher.
We have small projects that save lives like mosquitoe netting, filter systems for clean water for homes. These are not the solution to the major problems but a step getting started to bigger projects.